Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh the wonderful world of Twitter

It's not that I hate the idea of Twitter, it's just the fact that no matter what you say, it's automatically discredited as something of importance or relevance due to the fact that it's called a Tweet.

I know Twitter is meant to just say quick little insignificant things, but if you were to try to say something profound or interesting, it just wouldn't work. It's mainly used by teenagers to express their angst, but something like, KanyeFan1242 tweets: "Fuck the Kenyan government for oppressing it's people, rise up and fight the power!". I dunno, just looses its emphasis, I don't see many people rallying behind a Tweet, probably cause it would most likely look more like "Fuck teh Kenya gov't 4 opressin' its ppl, rise up & fight da power!!!1". KanyeFan1242 should just stick to telling people about who he saw at the mall.

Good deed for the week

I saw an old lady searching around on the sidewalk today. I asked her what she was doing. She told me she was looking for her glasses. I quickly noticed her glasses were on the top of her head but I didn't want to make her feel stupid so I decided to push her over and run away. I looked back and as she was getting to her feet she picked up her glasses that fell off her head. You're welcome old lady . . . you're welcome.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

15 seconds

Man, like I don't have to deal with problematic doors already in my life. Doors that are locked, doors that make you look like a moron cause you think you should push them when you actually have to pull them. Doors that look deceptivaly light when they are actually very heavy. Now I have to deal with doors that are Assholes as well?? Fuck you doors!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The World I Know

Agh, this is so annoying. Everywhere I look all I see are assholes all around me! Well I'm fed up and I'm finally going to do something about i!

Various mirrors, all sizes.
Sold in lots of 10 for $100 o.b.o.

Anyone know a good doctor?

My doctor was asking me if I suffered from acid reflux. I told him I've never had it, my stomach is strong because it's coated with chocolate. He didn't find it funny, but whatever, doctors don't have to have the best sense of humour. Then he tells me to seriously cut back on all the chocolate. I'm now currently looking for a new doctor.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

I feel like an asshole, I just found out now that yesterday was Father's Day. I dunno how I forgot, I was really busy and I didn't realize it, and now it's too late.....thank god my Father is dead.